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Component-based Requirements Analysis for the GPS Applications  

Lee, Sang Young (남서울대학교 보건행정학과)
Lee, Yoon Hyeon (남서울대학교 보건행정학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.8, no.2, 2012 , pp. 177-188 More about this Journal
GIS provides the various analyzing and displaying using diverse spatial data have supported the powerful functionality and friendly user-interface. But, early GIS software is developed as package tool, it have many difficulties with reducing the cost of developing GPS application and satisfying the various user requirements. At present, the developed GPS applications across multiple domains, despite the common features are built separately for each domain in terms of software engineering development followed out waste of time and money expenditure. However, common features between GPS applications, if deployed as a component assembly and reuse components in terms of enabling the two kinds of component-based development can bring out the beneficial results. In this paper, we described the Analysis and design of GPS ApplicationsS based on Component. Each GPS component is composed of many objects accomplish the atomic service processing and cooperate with each other. And, GPS components meets the qualifications of thc low cost of developing GPS application because of the reusability and re-composition.
GPS; UML; Component; Application;
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