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Android Application for Candidates  

Bang, Hye Ja (서울과학기술대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
Noh, Baek Lin (서울과학기술대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.7, no.2, 2011 , pp. 67-75 More about this Journal
The widespread use of android application is required for candidates to use in general life. Candidates need an application that doesn't change the screen a lot for the convenience and need a system that has fewer overloads. In this paper. we have implemented a program that helps students to improve their study using a note of wrong answers. vocabulary game and health management with using balanced diet, alarm, messenger, information of university and stretching.
Java; XML; Android Phone; SQLite;
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  • Reference
1 Reto Meier, "Professional Android 2 Application Development," WROXPRESS, 2010
2 SayedHashimi, SatyaKomatineni, DaveMacLean "Pro Android 2," Apress, 2009
3 Jerome (J. F.) DiMarzio, "Android: A Programmer's Guide," McGraw-Hill, 2008
4 FrankAbleson, CharlieCollins, RobiSen, "UnlockingAndroid," ManningPublications, 2009
5 WeiMengLee," Android Application Development CreateModifyReuse," WROXPRESS, 2009.
6 MarkLMurphy," Android Programming Tutorials, 3rd Edition", Commonsware, 2009.
7 MarkMurphy, "Beginning Android," APRESS, 2009.