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A Study about Web Traffic Performance on wired and wireless network  

Kim, Chang Hee (서울기독대학교 국제경영정보학과)
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Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.7, no.2, 2011 , pp. 47-58 More about this Journal
Snoop was suitably designed for wired and wireless network as having snoop agent module in BS(Base Station) which is connecting to both wired and wireless network in order to supplement the problems of TCP. This study examined performance difference by using the web traffic taken wide possession in current internet traffic. The web traffic has greater amount of traffic, shorter life time, and smaller size than other traffics. This study found that snoop producing performance improvement of wireless network in the network mixed with the wired and wireless lead performance loss when transmitting web traffic. This study found that in case of web traffic is transmitted it bring a performance improvement of web traffic as computing BWE((Bandwidth Expansion), and also found that this study prove of performance improvement by decreasing local retranmission.
Web Traffic; Wireless TCP; BWE;
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  • Reference
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