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The Effects of Somatosensory Training on the Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters and Balance in Patients with Stroke  

Chae, Jung-Byung (Department of Physical Therapy, Masan University)
Lee, Moon-Hwan (Department of Physical Therapy, International University of Korea)
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Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine / v.5, no.4, 2010 , pp. 587-596 More about this Journal
Purpose : This study was performed to investigate the effects of somatosensory training on the spatiotemporal gait parameters and balance in patients with stroke patients. Methods : 24 stroke survivors were allocated in this study, and randomly divided into experimental(n=12) and control group(n=12), independently. Experimental group was applied somatosensory training program plus conventional physical therapy, and control group was applied only conventional physical therapy. All subjects were administered for 30 minutes per day during 8 weeks(5 times a week). Results : Spatiotemporal parameters of gait were significant difference between pre and post intervention in experimental group, except of step length asymmetry ratio(SLAR) and single support time asymmetry ratio (SSAR)(p<.05). But control group had no statistical significance(p>.05). And also there was significant difference between experimental and control group(p<.05), except of cadence and SSAR(p>.05). Balance parameters were significant difference between pre and post intervention in experimental group(p<.05). But control group had no statistical significance(p>.05). And experimental timed up and go test was significantly decreased than control group(p<.05), but berg balance scale and functional reach test were not significant difference between experimental and control group(p>.05). Conclusion : This study was suggested that somatosensory training has effectiveness on the spatiotemporal gait parameters and balance in patients with stroke survivors. So this therapeutic intervention will be effectivelyapply to the stroke survivors in the clinical setting.
Balance; Gait; Somatosensory training; Stroke;
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