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A Study on Geographical Characteristics of Ulleungdo and Dokdo Islands  

Kim, Joo-Hwan
Park, Soo-Jin
Kong, Woo-Seok
Seo, Tae-Yeol
Yang, Bo-Kyung
Paik, In-Kie
Yeun, Jin-Sook
Publication Information
Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea / v., no.80, 2007 , pp. 5-9 More about this Journal
Ulleungdo and Dokdo is special island to all Korean people, The purpose of this study is to collect, sorting, analysis and rearrangement the photo data. The data collected from the published books and new photos. The quantity of data is so big, that it is necessary to divide the volume to publishing the books. For example, aerial photos(including marine topography), the relief of surface, culture and history, urban and settlement, sightseeing and economy, maps and figure and etc. The effect of the study is clear to the civics and students about patriotic sentiment etc.
Ullengdo; Dokdo; marine topography; urban; settlement; sightseeing; economy;
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