Comparison between the Original Version of Trail Making Test with Two Korean-Trail Making Tests |
Kim, Hyun-Jung
(Clinical Neuroscience Center, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital)
Baek, Min-Jae (Clinical Neuroscience Center, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital) Chang, Young-Hee (Department of Neurology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital) Jang, Il-Mi (Department of Neurology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital) Ryu, Hui-Jin (Department of Neurology, Konkuk University Medical Center) Kim, Min-Young (Department of Neurology, Konkuk University Medical Center) Han, Seol-Heui (Department of Neurology, Konkuk University Medical Center) Kim, Sang-Yun (Department of Neurology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital) |
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