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Won, Dae-Yeon (Department of Mathematics Duksung Women's University)
Lee, Nany (Department of Mathematics The University of Seoul)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society / v.44, no.1, 2007 , pp. 237-247 More about this Journal
In this paper, we establish a necessary condition in terms of curvature for the Kobayashi hyperbolicity of a class of almost complex Finsler manifolds. For an almost complex Finsler manifold with the condition (R), so-called Rizza manifold, we show that there exists a unique connection compatible with the metric and the almost complex structure which has the horizontal torsion in a special form. With this connection, we define a holomorphic sectional curvature. Then we show that this holomorphic sectional curvature of an almost complex submanifold is not greater than that of the ambient manifold. This fact, in turn, implies that a Rizza manifold is hyperbolic if its holomorphic sectional curvature is bounded above by -1.
Finsler metric; Rizza manifold; Kobayashi hyperbolicity; almost complex Finsler manifold;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
Times Cited By Web Of Science : 2  (Related Records In Web of Science)
Times Cited By SCOPUS : 2
연도 인용수 순위
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