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MicroRNA analysis reveals the role of miR-214 in duck adipocyte differentiation  

Wang, Laidi (Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics and Breeding and Molecular Design of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University)
Hu, Xiaodan (Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics and Breeding and Molecular Design of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University)
Wang, Shasha (Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics and Breeding and Molecular Design of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University)
Yuan, Chunyou (Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics and Breeding and Molecular Design of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University)
Wang, Zhixiu (Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics and Breeding and Molecular Design of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University)
Chang, Guobin (Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics and Breeding and Molecular Design of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University)
Chen, Guohong (Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics and Breeding and Molecular Design of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University)
Publication Information
Animal Bioscience / v.35, no.9, 2022 , pp. 1327-1339 More about this Journal
Objective: Fat deposition in poultry is an important factor in production performance and meat quality research. miRNAs also play important roles in regulating adipocyte differentiation process. This study was to investigate the expression patterns of miRNAs in duck adipocytes after differentiation and explore the role of miR-214 in regulating carnitine palmitoyltransferases 2 (CPT2) gene expression during duck adipocyte differentiation. Methods: Successful systems for the isolation, culture, and induction of duck primary fat cells was developed in the experiment. Using Illumina next-generation sequencing, the miRNAs libraries of duck adipocytes were established. miRanda was used to predict differentially expressed (DE) miRNAs and their target genes. The expression patterns of miR-214 and CPT2 during the differentiation were verified by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and western blot. Luciferase reporter assays were used to explore the specific regions of CPT2 targeted by miR-214. We used a miR-214 over-expression strategy in vitro to further investigate its effect on differentiation process and CPT2 gene transcription. Results: There were 481 miRNAs identified in duck adipocytes, included 57 DE miRNA candidates. And the 1,046 targets genes of DE miRNAs were mainly involved in p53 signaling, FoxO signaling, and fatty acid metabolism pathways. miR-214 and CPT2 showed contrasting expression patterns before and after differentiation, and they were selected for further research. The expression of miR-214 was decreased during the first 3 days of duck adipocytes differentiation, and then increased, while the expression of CPT2 increased both in the transcriptional and protein level. The luciferase assay suggested that miR-214 targets the 3'untranslated region of CPT2. Overexpression of miR-214 not only promoted the formation of lipid droplets but also decreased the protein abundance of CPT2. Conclusion: Current study reports the expression profile of miRNAs in duck adipocytes differentiated for 4 days. And miR-214 has been proved to have the regulator potential for fat deposition in duck.
Adipocyte; CPT2; Differentiation; Duck; miR-214;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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