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A Study on Recognition of Dangerous Behaviors using Privacy Protection Video in Single-person Household Environments  

Lim, ChaeHyun (Dept. of Software, Soongsil University)
Kim, Myung Ho (Dept. of Software, Soongsil University)
Recently, with the development of deep learning technology, research on recognizing human behavior is in progress. In this paper, a study was conducted to recognize risky behaviors that may occur in a single-person household environment using deep learning technology. Due to the nature of single-person households, personal privacy protection is necessary. In this paper, we recognize human dangerous behavior in privacy protection video with Gaussian blur filters for privacy protection of individuals. The dangerous behavior recognition method uses the YOLOv5 model to detect and preprocess human object from video, and then uses it as an input value for the behavior recognition model to recognize dangerous behavior. The experiments used ResNet3D, I3D, and SlowFast models, and the experimental results show that the SlowFast model achieved the highest accuracy of 95.7% in privacy-protected video. Through this, it is possible to recognize human dangerous behavior in a single-person household environment while protecting individual privacy.
Deep Learning; Privacy; Action Recognition; YOLOv5; Single-person household;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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