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The Effect of Multicultural Youth's Cultural Adaptation Stress and National Identity on Dual Cultural Acceptance Attitudes  

Kim, Jae-Nam (Dept. of Social Welfare, Kwangju Women's University)
The purpose of this study examines to what extent the multicultural youth's dual culture acceptance attitude is significantly affected by cultural adaptation stress and national identity using the data of the MAPS(Multicultural Adolescents Panel Study) conducted by the National Youth Policy Institute. The subject of the study was the first data of the second period of the MAPS, and 2,246 multicultural youth who were enrolled in the fourth grade of elementary school as of 2019 were used as analysis data. As a result of the study, it was found that the attitude to accept dual culture was significantly affected in the order of national identity and cultural adaptation stress. This means that the higher the national identity and the lower the cultural adaptation stress, the higher the attitude toward dual culture. On the other hand, as for the type of multicultural youth, it was found that international marriage families had the lowest attitude toward accepting dual culture. In terms of the size of the area where students live, large cities have the lowest dual cultural acceptance attitude. These results suggest that cultural adaptation stress, national identity, type of multicultural family, and area of residence act as major variables in multicultural youth's dual culture acceptance attitude.
Multicultural Adolescents Panel Study; National Identity; Cultural Adaptation Stress; Attitude to Accepting Dual Culture;
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