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Implementation of a Travel Route Recommendation System Utilizing Daily Scheduling Templates  

Kim, Hyeon Gyu (Div. of Computer Science and Engineering, Sahmyook University)
In relation to the travel itinerary recommendation service, which has recently become in high demand, our previous work introduces a method to quantify the popularity of places including tour spots, restaurants, and accommodations through social big data analysis, and to create a travel schedule based on the analysis results. On the other hand, the generated schedule was mainly composed of travel routes that connected tour spots with the shorted distance, and detailed schedule information including restaurants and accommodation information for each travel date was not provided. This paper presents an algorithm for constructing a detailed travel route using a scenario template in a travel schedule created based on social big data, and introduces a prototype system that implements it. The proposed system consists of modules such as place information collection, place-specific popularity score estimation, shortest travel rout generation, daily schedule organization, and UI visualization. Experiments conducted based on social reviews collected from 63,000 places in the Gyeongnam province proved effectiveness of the proposed system.
Travel rout recommendation; Daily schedule; Scenario template; Popularity score estimation; Social big data;
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