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A Design and Implementation of Missing Person Identification System using face Recognition  

Shin, Jong-Hwan (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Hannam University)
Park, Chan-Mi (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Hannam University)
Lee, Heon-Ju (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Hannam University)
Lee, Seoung-Hyeon (LINC+ Division, Hannam University)
Lee, Jae-Kwang (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Hannam University)
In this paper proposes a method of finding missing persons based on face-recognition technology and deep learning. In this paper, a real-time face-recognition technology was developed, which performs face verification and improves the accuracy of face identification through data fortification for face recognition and convolutional neural network(CNN)-based image learning after the pre-processing of images transmitted from a mobile device. In identifying a missing person's image using the system implemented in this paper, the model that learned both original and blur-processed data performed the best. Further, a model using the pre-learned Noisy Student outperformed the one not using the same, but it has had a limitation of producing high levels of deflection and dispersion.
Face recognition; Image Processing; Key point extraction; Missing Person; Similarity; Mobile;
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