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Efficient Osteoporosis Prediction Using A Pair of Ensemble Models  

Choi, Se-Heon (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Kangwon National University)
Hwang, Dong-Hwan (Department of Research and Development, ZIOVISION Co. Ltd)
Kim, Do-Hyeon (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Kangwon National University)
Bak, So-Hyeon (Dept. of Radiology, Kangwon National University School of Medicine)
Kim, Yoon (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Kangwon National University)
In this paper, we propose a prediction model for osteopenia and osteoporosis based on a convolutional neural network(CNN) using computed tomography(CT) images. In a single CT image, CNN had a limitation in utilizing important local features for diagnosis. So we propose a compound model which has two identical structures. As an input, two different texture images are used, which are converted from a single normalized CT image. The two networks train different information by using dissimilarity loss function. As a result, our model trains various features in a single CT image which includes important local features, then we ensemble them to improve the accuracy of predicting osteopenia and osteoporosis. In experiment results, our method shows an accuracy of 77.11% and the feature visualize of this model is confirmed by using Grad-CAM.
CT; Osteopenia; Osteoporosis; Dissimilarity loss function; Feature map; CNN;
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