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Private security development plan through security guard crime statistics analysis  

Park, Su-Hyeon (Dept. of Aviation Security Protection Science, Kyungwoon University)
Choi, Dong-Jae (Dept. of Aviation Security Protection Science, Kyungwoon University)
The purpose of this paper is to provide basic data for related studies by comparing and analyzing crimes committed by security guards through criminal statistical analysis, and to contribute to the sound development of the private security industry by strengthening the professional ethics of security guards and reducing guard crimes. The purpose. As a results of a comparative analysis of the number of crimes by security guards and the crime rate are as follows. Although the total number of crimes committed in Korea and the number of crimes committed by security guards decreased every year, the crime rate of security guards was higher than the average crime rate. felonious crimes, violent crimes, customs crimes, and special economic crimes were consistently high. As a countermeasure against the results, first, interest in security guard crimes as perpetrators rather than as victims, second, reinforcement of professional ethics education through new training and job training, third, academic development and systematic It appeared as a specification of the definition and current status of security guards for the study.
Security Guard; Security Guard Crime; Crime Statistics; Private Security; Work Ethic;
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