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Effect of Childhood Abuse Experience on Gender Role Attitude : Focusing on the moderating effect of social support  

Lee, Ji-woo (Policy Lab, Gwangju Welfare Research Institute)
Choe, Eun-hee (Department of Social Welfare, Chosun University Graduate School)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of childhood abuse experience, analyze factors affecting gender role attitudes, find out the moderating effect of social support, and suggest preventive measures and alternatives for childhood abuse experiences. proceeded. This study was conducted by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, through a domestic violence survey conducted every three years in accordance with the 「Act on the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Victim Protection, etc.」 Analysis was performed on 4,546 people and 4,514 men. As a result, it was found that childhood abuse experience had a negative (-) effect on gender role attitudes, and the analysis of the moderating effect of social support also showed a negative (-) effect. In the future, it is necessary to strengthen awareness of childhood abuse prevention and child protection from the beginning of life, and it is suggested that the level of children's parental education and social support and sufficient measures be prepared for future research.
Childhood abuse experience; gender role attitude; domestic violence survey; social support; domestic violence;
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