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Information Adoption on YouTube: Examining the Influence of YouTube Genre  

Kong, Min-Young (Graduate School of Business IT, Kookmin University)
Ahn, Hyunchul (Graduate School of Business IT, Kookmin University)
In this paper, we propose a model that explains how the quality of YouTube clip and the credibility in YouTuber affect the usefulness of information and attitude of adapting information, based on 'Information Adoption Model' proposed by Sussman and Siegal. Additionally, we investigate the moderating role of YouTube genre in this model. Empirical analysis has shown that both the quality of YouTube clip and the credibility in YouTuber in the entire genre have a significant impact on the usefulness of information, which in turn significantly affects the attitude of information adoption. But only the quality in YouTube clip is found to have a significant impact in the 'information-oriented' genre, whereas, in the 'entertainment-oriented' genre, only the credibility in YouTuber is found to have a significant impact. The findings of our study provide various implications for building a business strategy for using YouTube as an information providing tool.
Youtube; Information Adoption Model; Genre; Quality; Credibility;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
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