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A Study on Effects of Service Quality and Technology Acceptance Model in China - The Moderate Effect on Reliability -  

Lee, Eun-Ji (Global Leadership College, Yonsei University)
Moon, Jae-Young (Dept. of Global Busienss, Dongseo University)
This paper shows the result of a survey about the users using Didi Chuxing in China to analyze the effect of the service quality and technology acceptance model (TAM) on customer satisfaction. There are 314 valid responsiveness out of the 414 for 9 days, which had been analyzed with SPSS and AMOS. In the analysis result, the academic implications are as follows. First, it was analyzed that the quality of service had a positive(+) effect on the technology acceptance model. Second, it was analyzed that the technology acceptance model had a positive effect on the attitude and customer satisfaction. Third, in the analysis result of the moderate effect, attitude and customer satisfaction vary partially according to whether types of reliability. The practical implications are as follows: First, it is necessary to provide service quality factors to customers. Second, It is necessary to suggest ways that customers can gain reliability. These findings also have limitations and research directions. First, the variety of samples is needed. Second, an analysis is required according to the type of vehicle use. Therefore, future research and analysis will need to be subdivided.
Service Quality; Technology Acceptance Model; Didi Chuxing; Moderate Effect;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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