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Effect of pre-hospital BLS simulation training on the paramedic's competency  

Jung, Jun-Ho (Dept. of EMT, Namseoul University)
Cho, Byung-Jun (Dept. of EMT, Kangwon National University)
The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of a simulation training of BLS in paramedics in pre-hospital situation. This a nonequivalence control quasi-experimental study. The study subjects were 8 paramedics of experimental group and 8 paramedics of control group in K fire department. An informed consent was written by the subjects after explaining of the purpose of the study. The study methods consisted of conventional education and practice training. The conventional education was done for 30 minutes and the practice training was taken by four trainees of one group and the instructor demonstrated Basic Iife Support (BLS) performance for three minutes. Each trainer peformed BLS for ten minutes. In the beginning of the course, two paramedics got off from the ambulance and performed BLS including 5 cycles of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Soon after the BLS, another two paramedics performed pre-hospital BLS survey. The education was guided by two professors of emergency medical technology, two Basic Iife Support instructors, and two emergency rescue directors. Pre-hospital BLS was measured by a 5-point Likert scale. Higher score means higher performance skills. The data were analyzed using SPSS/WIN 22.0 program set at significance level of p<05. The effect of simulation education was much more significant than the conventional education in BLS. The simulation education is very important and effective in improving the clinical performance skills of paramedics than the conventional education. The simulation education can provide the virtual environment of cardiac arrest to the paramedics. In conclusion, the simulation education can provide the effective teaching methods for various practice performance skills and solution by critical thinking in the paramedics and healthcare providers in the future.
Basic Iife Support; Simulation; Paramedic Competence;
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