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Analysis of factors affecting career preparation behavior - Based on the recognition of college students -  

Lee, Sookja (Dept. of Social Welfare, Graduate School. Chosun University)
Kweon, Seong-Ok (Dept of Social Welfare, Songwon University)
The purpose of this study was to examine the factors influencing career preparation behavior based on the perception of college students from the perspective of social cognitive career theory and to examine the effect of career barriers and career decision self - efficacy on career preparation behavior And career - decision self - efficacy. The results of the study are as follows. First, career barriers perceived by college students showed a significant positive correlation with career decision self - efficacy and career preparation behavior(-), and career decision efficacy showed a statistically significant correlation with career preparation behavior(+). Second, as a result of linear regression analysis to examine the effect of career barriers on career preparation behavior, lack of self - clarification, lack of job information, and lack of recognition of need were subordinate factors of career barriers. Third, as a result of linear regression analysis to examine the effect of career decision - making self - efficacy on career preparation behavior, goal setting and job information, which are sub - factors of career decision self - efficacy, were analyzed. Fourth, mediating effects of career decision self - efficacy on career barriers and career preparation behavior were analyzed by hierarchical regression analysis. The results of this study confirm that the level of career barrier, which is an important factor in career preparation behavior of college students, should be lowered and career decision self - efficacy should be increased.
Career barriers; Career decision-making self-efficacy; Career preparation behaviors; Social Cognitive Career Theory;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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