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A Comparative Study on the Innovation Strategy of User Experience and Life Satisfaction between Korea and China  

Rho, Hyung-Jin (Dept. of College of Business and Economics, Kyonggi University)
The purpose of this paper is to study renovation plan of value chain from a user's viewpoint by making practical application of digital technology in Korea and China. And it is surely meaningful to investigate the important motivation factors of continuous using smart-phone in two countries, and to analyze the improving effect toward to the quality of life in continuous using smart-phone. By this study we can expect the value improving effect of user experience. The results of hypothesis testing can be summarized as follows: First, the hypothesis that positive affect has a plus effect on pragmatic value is accepted in Korea and China. Secondly, the hypothesis that positive affect has a plus effect on hedonic value is accepted in two countries. Thirdly, the hypothesis that negative affect has a minus effect on pragmatic value is accepted in Korea, but rejected in China. Fourthly, the hypothesis that negative affect has a minus effect on hedonic value is accepted in two countries. Fifthly, the hypothesis that pragmatic value has a plus effect on life satisfaction is rejected in two countries. Sixthly, the hypothesis that hedonic value has a plus effect on life satisfaction is accepted in Korea, but rejected in China. Seventhly, the hypothesis that there is a difference in positive affect, negative affect, pragmatic value, hedonic value and life satisfaction between Korea and China is rejected in positive affect and negative affect, but accepted in pragmatic value, hedonic value and life satisfaction. In the competition among enterprises, user experience instead of goods themselves became influential as a differential factor. And many advanced enterprises began taking a serious view of customer's happiness and user experience improvement.
digital technology; smart-phone; user experience; positive affect; negative affect; pragmatic value; hedonic value; life satisfaction;
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