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Linear Time Algorithm for Network Reliability Problem  

Lee, Sang-Un (Dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Gangneung-Wonju National University)
This paper deals with the network reliability problem that decides the communication line between main two districts while the k districts were destroyed in military communication network that the n communication lines are connected in m districts. For this problem, there is only in used the mathematical approach as linear programming (LP) software package and has been unknown the polynomial time algorithm. In this paper we suggest the heuristic algorithm with O(n) linear time complexity to solve the optimal solution for this problem. This paper suggests the flow path algorithm (FPA) and level path algorithm (LPA). The FPA is to search the maximum number of distinct paths between two districts. The LPA is to construct the levels and delete the unnecessary nodes and edges. The proposed algorithm can be get the same optimal solution as LP for experimental data.
Network reliability; Distinct path; Set cover; Flow path; Level path;
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