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Problem and Improvement of the Computerization Practice Real - estate Registration  

Youn, Sung-Ho (Dept. of Law, Chosun University)
Kim, Moon-sung (Dept. of Real-estate, Cheongam College)
It has become the information medium that mediate between individuals of marketing with the new information media that use of the Internet in accordance with the progress of the IT industry- real estate marketing, real estate leasing, real estate auctions, etc. The real estate registration services should be disclosed to outside that include a schedule details the public book-register and problems caused by it should be reasonably resolved by handling a large amount of real estate registration work quickly, accurately handling to utilize Information Technology(IT) through the information system construction as the feature to process the information of register entries. Computerization of real estate registration will raise the efficiency of the registration as well as people can see the information related to real estate on the basis of published content without limitation the time and place and will pursue the ideal and reliability of the registration -web accessibility improving of the Internet Registry and permanent storage of preserving documents by electronic means. It is very large that impact on the real estate transaction if the accuracy of legal registration choosing formalism in the processing of real estate registration business through the Internet than written application is highly probable to occur incorrect registration. Also, It is necessary to manage it effectively -if you do not quickly and exactly respond to it, there is problems such as delays or poor registration service because real estate business activated and real estate registration services also increased sharply. In this paper, we will identify the problems of the real estate registration work and suggest improvements about it.
Real-estate Registration; Computerized Registration; Real-estate Digital Registry; Registration Practice; Computerization Practice Real - estate Registration;
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  • Reference
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