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A Study on the Ethical Issues and Sharing Behavior of User's Information in the Era of Big Data  

Lee, Myung-Suk (College of Liberal Education, Keimyung University)
This study is to examine how big data collects user's information and is used; the status quo of exposures of user's information, and various measures of self-control by the user. This study is also to look their ethical issues and discuss problems of privacy concerning big data. As a way for users to self-control their information, they need to check the log-in state of web portal sites and set up their account so that customized advertisement and location information cannot be tracked. When posting a blog, the value of posting should be controlled. When becoming a member of a web site, users must check the access terms before agreement and beware of chained agreements and/or membership joins in order to control the exposure of their personal information. To prevent information abuse through big data through which user's information is collected and analyzed, all users must have the right to control, block or allow personal information. For an individual to have the right to control over his information, users must understand the concept of user's information and practice ethics accompanied by newly given roles in the Internet space, which will lead to the establishment of the sound and mature information society on the Internet.
Information ethics; User information; Era of Big Data; Ethical issues; Personal information;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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