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Effects of Introduction of Knowledge Management System in Relation to Organizational Performance - focused on management factors and information technology factors  

Cho, Young-Yerl (Joint Forces Military University)
Yi, Seon-Gyu (Seoul Venture University, Dept. of Convergence Industry)
This study looked into these companies and organizations that were working with the knowledge management system in order to verify how practically such introduction of the knowledge management system would affect the organizational performances. The purpose of this study is to present the strategic guidelines should to consider the introduction of the knowledge management system operated by the organization to analyze how factors affect the performance of the introduction of knowledge management systems are organized in empirical. According to the results, the sub-variables of the management factors such as learning organization, evaluation and reward system, organizational trust and knowledge-sharing activity had all the significant effects on the organizational performance, and of the sub-variables of the information technology factors, the information technology-based structure presented statistically significant results which confirmed that the structure itself also had an influence on the organizational performance. However, the study learned that both the information technology maturity and the system structural excellence had nothing to do with the organizational performance.
knowledge management system; management factors; information technology factors; organizational performances;
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