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A Study on Customized Employment Strategy for Utilizing Big Data  

Koo, Gun-Seo (Dept. Digital Media, Soong Eui Women's College)
In this paper, we propose a analyses the big data of students who are willing to find employment and thus presents strategy for their higher success rate of employment. The experiment covered in this paper is based on female two-year community college students who are yet unsure about their future employment. The primary flaw of pervious employment strategy was job opportunity was only based on simple factors such as student's grade, appearance, and personality due to employers and firms's demand. Therefore, students were less satisfied and often resign. In order to prevent these failures, this paper plans a strategy by analyzing the big data. Furthermore, this is proven by the comparison between 2014 employment statistics and those of previous years, and employment request has been 21.3 percent increased along with 81.4 percent increase in match rate between firms and graduating students. Most importantly, the final success rate of employment presented 63.1 percent increase compared to the previous year.
Big Data; Vocational Preference Inventory; Adaptive Test; Employment Strategy;
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  • Reference
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