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An Analysis of Middle School Students' Resilience on Their School Adjustment  

Lee, Shinsook (Graduate School of Policy, Chosun University)
Kim, Yongseob (Dept. of Administration and Welfare, Chosun University)
This study aims to draw the implication in improving middle school students' school adjustment and suggest policy methods for their school adjustment depending on the degree of social support. As a result of the research, it was found that middle school students' resilience factors such as self-control ability and interpersonal relationship ability had the influence on their impulse control, self-esteem, communication and self-expansion ability on their social competence. Emotional regulation, impulse control, self-esteem, communication and self-expansion ability had the influence on school adjustment. It was also known that middle school students' social competence had high influence on their school adjustment and their self-expansion ability had the highest influence on social competence. Middle school students' resilience factors such as emotional regulation, empathy and self-expansion ability may be different in their influence on social competence. Impulse control may be different depending on their school adjustment and a degree of social support, and social competence may be different depending on their school adjustment and a degree of social support.
resilience; self-control ability; interpersonal relationship ability; social competence; school adjustment;
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