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A Study on Computer Center Maintenance Savings through NT Server Consolidate Virtualization  

Lee, Yong-Hui (Information Service Center/Faculty of Liberal Arts, Shinsung University)
Kim, Hwan-Seok (Dept. Information and Communication Engineering, Gangneung-Wonju University)
In this paper, we build server consolidate virtualization focusing on NT server dilapidated and through analysis of the effect of this, has been presented the following results. First, it was possible to obtain an increase in the constant temperature constant humidity chamber efficiency by securing the upper surface space for computing data center mounted virtualization integration server servers multiple physical. Second, by the deployment of virtualization of a large server dilapidated, the introduction of new resources and the cost of maintaining computerized data center and reduce power consumption, the reduction of hardware introduction of additional due to the new server deployment it was possible to derive a cost reduction effect. We obtain the reduction of 89% and 79% compared with conventional consumption of cooling and power savings of the top surface, respectively. Integration of NT servers are virtualized can be expected to change in the Green-IT to contribute to providing the maintenance costs of computing centers in the future as well as current. Building a virtualization server integration applied in this paper can be similarly applied to the UNIX system and to integrate the server group other.
server consolidation; virtualization; top surface area; NT server;
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