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Follower classification system based on the similarity of Twitter node information  

Kye, Yong-Sun (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Gachon University)
Yoon, Youngmi (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Gachon University)
Current friend recommendation system on Twitter primarily recommends the most influential twitter. However, this way of recommendation has drawbacks where it does not recommend the users of which attributes of interests are similar to theirs. Since users want other users of which attributes are similar, this study implements follower recommendation system based on the similarity of twitter node informations. The data in this study is from SNAP(Stanford Network Analysis Platform), and it consists of twitter node information of which number of followers is over 10,000 and twitter link information. We used the SNAP data as a training data, and generated a classifier which recommends and predicts the relation between followers. We evaluated the classifier by 10-Fold Cross validation. Once two twitter node informations are given, our model can recommend the relationship of the two twitters as one of following such as: FoFo(Follower Follower), FoFr(Follower Friend), NC(Not Connected).
Social Media Data; Twitter;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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