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A Study upon Online Measurement techniques of Corporate Reputation  

Kim, Seung-Hee (Graduate School of Public Policy and Information Technology, Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
Kim, Woo-Je (School of Global Convergence of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
Lee, Kwang-Seok (School of Digital Cultural policy, Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
Although a series of studies shows the fact that a company's reputation could affect its sales rate and stock price, due to the increased use of SNS, the research related to the online measurement method for the corporate reputation has been relatively insufficient. This study explores a design for a method to quantify the corporate reputation value by reconstructing the discussions in literature review. Concretely, this study divides the corporate reputation value into the corporate identity information and the corporate awareness information, which includes the following five sub-categories: (1) the quality of product and service; (2) the employment environment; (3) the corporate vision; (4) the social responsibility; and (5) the business achievement. Additionally, for the corporate identity assessment, this study considers the following six factors: (1) Agreeableness (Goodness), (2)Capability (Ability), (3)Enterprise (Rise), (4)Chic (Class), (5) Ruthlessness (Authority), and (6)Informality. Based on these categories and factors, this study develops a technique quantifying the corporate reputation value by selecting 'word items' for the reputation search, and after conducting a frequency analysis in a survey. Also, to verify the result, this study exemplifies the reputation of three SI companies in Korea which could be utilized by using the commercialized reputation service. This study firstly attempts the corporate reputation measurement by classifying the identity and the awareness (corporate image and communication) upon a company in detail and enables its real applicabilities by proposing a formula to measure the reputation scores which can be utilized by verified word items from a frequency analysis.
reputation; opinion mining; company reputation; digital reputation; Identity appraisal; reputation measurement;
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