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Improved Cluster Routing Algorithm Using Remaining Electric Energy Based on CBRP  

Park, Hyeran (Dept. of Advanced Engineering, Kyungnam Univ.)
Kim, Wuwoan (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Kyungnam Univ.)
Jang, Sangdong (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Kyungnam Univ.)
In the Cluster-Based Routing Protocol (CBRP) a cluster header in each cluster should be elected. The cluster headers consume energy much more than other member nodes do because they manage and operate all of mobile nodes in their cluster. The traditional CBRP elects a cluster header without considering the remaining electric energy of each node. So, there exist problems that the cluster header has short average lifetime, and a new cluster header should be elected again frequently. In this paper, we propose the improved protocol which prolongs the lifetime of the cluster header, decreases the problem of re-electing the cluster header and enhances the stability of the path. In order to achieve this, when a cluster header is elected in a cluster, the remaining electric energies of all the nodes are compared with one another, and the node with the highest energy is elected as the cluster header. Also, the node with the second highest energy is elected as the second header. If the elected cluster header is unable to perform the role of the cluster header any more because the remaining energy level goes low, it sends a beacon message to neighbor member nodes, then the second header will serve as the cluster header.
Cluster-Based Routing Protocol; Ad-Hoc Network; Scheme of Electing Cluster Header;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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