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A case study on the importance of non-intrusiveness of mobile devices in an interactive museum environment  

Rhee, Boa (Sogang Institute of Advanced Technology)
This research sheds light on the non-intrusive traits of mobile devices (Electronic Guidebook, Rememberer, I-Guides and eXspot) deployed in Exploratorium for enhancing visitor experience via case studies. In an interactive exhibition environment, non-intrusiveness was the key to supporting the immersive experience and meaning-making for visitors. The usability of hand-held devices directly impacted on the non-intrusiveness, thereby reshaping the form-factors of mobile devices. The change in from-factor has also minimized the functions of devices as the remember of museum experience. Furthermore, the role of mobile devices, which turned from a supposed multi-media guide to a mere rememberer, made them virtually impossible for realizing the "seamless visiting model" originally planned. An array of projects carried out in Exploration have achieved some degree of success such as increasing viewing time as well as reinforcing post-visit activities. However, taken from musicological perspective, increase in viewing time is by all means insufficient to be taken as proof since it is assumed to be achieved by photo-taking (i.e. MyExploratorium) rather than by interacting between visitors and exhibits. This issue --increased viewing time -- needs to be analyzed in depth. All in all, mobile devices used in Exploratorium can be defined as a learning tool/educational supporting medium based on personalization for (visitors') optimizing extended museum experience.
mobile device; interaction; non-intrusive; seamless visit;
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