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The Impact of Cumulative Effcet of Cash Donation on Business Performance  

Kim, Hyoung-Gu (Dept. of Accounting & Tax, Kookje College)
This paper has investigated the impact of corporate donation expenditure which has recently drawn great attention in Korean society on businessl performance and conducted an empirical analysis on the causal relations. In addition, concurrent effect has been analyzed using cross-sectional data between two variables (corporate donation expenditure and business performance) while sequential effect has been examined using panel data. The result of this study can be summarized as follows: First, corporate donation expenditure had a positive impact on ROA and ROS. However, PER and ROE had no impact on corporate donation expenditure Second, cumulative effcet of corporate cash donation would have a bigger impact on short-term business performance than long-term performance. In the future, The results of this study is expect through cash donations in the social contribution to be more aggressive in carrying out social responsibilities.
Cumulative Effcet of Corporate Cash Donation; PER(Price-Earning Ratio); ROA(Return on Assets); ROE(Return on Equity); ROS(Return on Sales);
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