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The Design and development of online learning modules for the broadcasting content-based e-PBL  

Jung, Joon-Hwan (Dept. of Education, KyungHee University)
This study paid attention to the possibility of broadcasting contents as a learning resource, which promoted the knowledge composition and the process of creation from the software having enriched contents not a delivering tool for the information in one direction. and tried to implement it thru e-PBL, which is one of teaching-learning models in e-learning. In order to implement the possibility of broadcasting contents in the e-PBL enviroment as a learning resource, the study focused on the design and development of e-PBL based on the broadcasting contents and found out the educational possibility for the broadcasting contents as the learning resource in e-PBL enviroment. This study focused on the design of learning module and development process which integrated strategic plans to maximize the utilization of broadcasting contents including development of online learning community. Also, This is verified by applying the learning module was to prove a differentiation.
Problem based learning; Broadcasting contents; Learning module; PBL;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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