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A Study about Learning Elements and Teaching Methods of Information Ethics in Primary and Secondary School by Expert Survey  

Choe, Hyunjong (Dept. of Computer Education, Seowon University)
The objectives of this study are to study and propose the learning elements and it's teaching methods for Information Ethics by expert survey. In recent days, Internet is the new field of our living, but teaching the students in elementary and secondary schools the subject of Information Ethics which purpose is to have positive attitude of utilizing Internet is not properly executed. The first step to teach Information Ethics in schools is to choose the learning elements in Information Ethics. Therefore, this paper is to choose the learning elements and re-arrange them with point of view to elementary and secondary schools. And more, in order to teach the students the learning elements of Information Ethics effectively, we propose the proper teaching methods to the learning elements by teacher's survey. The learning elements and teaching methods in Information Ethics is not the perfect guide to teach students in school, but the output of this study will be the good guide to revise the Information Ethics-related curriculums and product the textbooks about Information Ethics.
Information Ethics; learning element; teaching method; curriculum; expert survey;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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