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RRM Optimization for the Throughput Enhancement of WiFi AP  

Jeong, Kil Hyun (Dept. of Internet Communication, Jangan University)
In these days, with the diffusion of mobile equipments, the number of WiFi Access Point (AP) is increasing, and the growth of WiFi AP causes the throughput degradation due to interferences between APs. This recent phenomenon demands the method able to be utilized with current WiFi network to improve the throughput of Wireless LANs. This paper studied the channel assignment method and several throughput enhancement methods to optimize Radio Resource Management (RRM) for distributed infrastructure WLANs. As a result, it was able to put AP independently, improve older allocation error, and improve execution speed.
WiFi AP; Radio Resource Management (RRM); Wireless LAN (WLAN);
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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