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A Instructional Contents Creator using Wavelet for Lossless Image Compression  

Lee, Sang-Yeob (Dept. of Management Information System, Sahmyook University)
Park, Seong-Won (Graduate School of Information, Yonsei University)
In order to easily create video tutorials, the algorithm is needed that video camera recording, white board images, video attachments, and document data are combined in real-time. In this study, we implemented the video lecture content creation system using wavelet-based lossless compression to composite multimedia objects in real-time and reproduce the images. Using commercially available PC can be useful when lecturers want to make video institutional contents, it can be operated easily and fastly. Therefore, it can be very efficient system for e-Learning and m-Learning. In addition, the proposed system including multimedia synthesis technology and real-time lossless compression technology can be applied to various fields, different kinds of multimedia creation, remote conferencing, and e-commerce so there are highly significant.
Wavelet; Lossless Compression; Video Creator; Instructional Contents Creator;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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