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A Study on Learning Program of Discrete Mathematicsfor Computer Software  

Jun, Sang-Pyo (Dept. of General Education, Namseoul University)
The industry of computer has been changed quickly by developing and growing info-communications industry and by supplying new technologies. The importance of software field which is based on this change is gradually emphasized. Nowadays more people tend to have realization of mathematics and statistics that are basic theory of software study, moreover, discrete mathematics is especially getting more important in whole mathematics field. It's essential to understand discrete mathematics in order to understand existing knowledge about software field in computer engineering and develop new technologies in different areas in the future. The way people get education about discrete mathematics, however, is improper as a result of massive materials and uncertain standard. This study subdivides discrete mathematics according to different tracks in the computer software study. In addition, the research which is suitable to individuality in different fields is able to be efficiently carried out by selecting related parts and the method of mathematics education is provided to deal with rapidly changed applications in related fields.
Discrete mathematics; Computer software fields; Mathematics Education method;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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