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Predicting Power Generation Patterns Using the Wind Power Data  

Suh, Dong-Hyok (Dept. of Computer Science, Chungbuk National University)
Kim, Kyu-Ik (Dept. of Computer Science, Chungbuk National University)
Kim, Kwang-Deuk (Korea Institute of Energy Research)
Ryu, Keun-Ho (Dept. of Computer Science, Chungbuk National University)
Due to the imprudent spending of the fossil fuels, the environment was contaminated seriously and the exhaustion problems of the fossil fuels loomed large. Therefore people become taking a great interest in alternative energy resources which can solve problems of fossil fuels. The wind power energy is one of the most interested energy in the new and renewable energy. However, the plants of wind power energy and the traditional power plants should be balanced between the power generation and the power consumption. Therefore, we need analysis and prediction to generate power efficiently using wind energy. In this paper, we have performed a research to predict power generation patterns using the wind power data. Prediction approaches of datamining area can be used for building a prediction model. The research steps are as follows: 1) we performed preprocessing to handle the missing values and anomalous data. And we extracted the characteristic vector data. 2) The representative patterns were found by the MIA(Mean Index Adequacy) measure and the SOM(Self-Organizing Feature Map) clustering approach using the normalized dataset. We assigned the class labels to each data. 3) We built a new predicting model about the wind power generation with classification approach. In this experiment, we built a forecasting model to predict wind power generation patterns using the decision tree.
New&Renewable Energy; Wind Power Energy; Self-Organizing Map; Predicting Patterns;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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