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The Face Authentication Mechanism of Learner for the Efficient E-Learning  

Jang, Eun-Gyeom (대전대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
Kim, Gyoung-Bae (서원대학교 전자계산교육)
E-learning technology which effectively supports the learning methodologies between students and professors and which provides location and time benefits to students is being researched now a days. However, E-learning classes produce bad effects comparing with offline classes in learning procedures including scholastic achievements. Bad effects of E-learning system could be proxy attendance, lack of concentration, and bad attitude of students. These environmental problems must be solved first to achieve the advantages of E-learning technology. To get rid of these problems, in this paper, we proposed a mechanism which provides effective learning progress by using face authentication method. This mechanism supervise the student by using real time face recognition which prevents proxy attendance, illegal activities, and student's absences.
E-learning; Face cognition; Reinforcement Learning; Authentication;
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