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Cryogenic voltage sampling for arbitrary RF signals transmitted through a 2DEG channel  

Kim, Min-Sik (Department of Physics, Jeonbuk National University)
Kim, Bum-kyu (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science)
Kim, U.J. (Department of Physics, Jeonbuk National University)
Choi, H.K. (Department of Physics, Jeonbuk National University)
Kim, Ju-Jin (Department of Physics, Jeonbuk National University)
Bae, Myung-Ho (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science)
Publication Information
Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics / v.24, no.2, 2022 , pp. 23-26 More about this Journal
A lossless transport of an arbitrary waveform in a frequency range of 106-109 Hz through a conduction channel in a cryogenic temperature is of importance for a high-speed operation of quantum device. However, it is hard to use a commercial oscilloscope to directly detect the waveform travelling in a device located in a cryogenic system. Here, we developed a cryogenic voltage sampling technique by using a Schottky barrier gate prepared on a surface of a GaAs/AlGaAs device, which revealed that an incident rectangle waveform can transport through a 1 mm long two-dimensional conduction channel without waveform deformation up to 20 MHz, while further study is needed to increase the detection frequency.
cryogenic voltage sampling; GaAs/AlGaAs; 2DEG; Schottky-barrier gate;
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  • Reference
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