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Solution deposition planarization for IBAD-MgO texture template  

Ko, Kyeong-Eun (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University)
Kwon, O-Jong (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University)
Bea, Sung-Hwan (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University)
Yoo, Ja-Eun (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University)
Park, Chan (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University)
Oh, Sang-Soo (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)
Park, Young-Kuk (School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Catholic University of Daegu)
Publication Information
Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics / v.12, no.4, 2010 , pp. 17-19 More about this Journal
In this work, the optimized process condition of chemical solution deposition which is used to planarize the surface of the metal tape (which is used to grow IBAD-MgO texture template) was investigated. $Y_2O_3$ films were dip-coated on the surface of the unpolished metal tape as the seed and barrier layer. The effects of $Y_2O_3$ concentration of the solution (0.5wt.%, 1.3wt.%, 2.8wt.%, 5.6wt.%) and the number of coatings on the surface morphology and barrier capability against the diffusion from the metal tape were examined. The surface morphology and the thickness of the film were observed using the scanning electron microscope and the atomic force microscope. The presence of elements in metal tape on the film surface was analyzed using the auger electron spectroscopy. The $Y_2O_3$ film thickness increases with increasing the $Y_2O_3$ concentration in the solution, and the surface became smoother with increasing the number of coating cycles. The best result was obtained from the $Y_2O_3$ film coated 4 cycles using 2.8wt.% solution.
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  • Reference
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