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Fabrication and Test of the Three-Phase 6.6 kV Resistive Superconducting Fault Current Limiter Using YBCO Thin Films  

Sim J. (한전 전력연구원 기술정책실 신기술센터)
Kim H. R. (한전 전력연구원 기술정책실 신기술센터)
Park K. B. (LG산전 전력연구소)
Kang J. S. (LG산전 전력연구소)
Lee B. W. (LG산전 전력연구소)
Oh I. S. (LG산전 전력연구소)
Hyun O. B. (한전 전력연구원 기술정책실 신기술센터)
Publication Information
Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics / v.6, no.3, 2004 , pp. 50-55 More about this Journal
We fabricated and tested a resistive type superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) of three-phase 6.6 $kV_{rms}/200 A_{rms}$ rating based on YBCO thin films grown on sapphire substrates with a diameter of 4 inches, Short circuit tests were carried out at a accredited test facility for single line-to- ground faults, phase-to-phase faults and three-phase faults, Each phase of the SFCL was composed of 8${\times}$6 elements connected in series and parallel respectively. Each element was designed to have the rated voltage of 600 $V_{rms}$. A NiCr shunt resistor of 23 Ω was connected to each element for simultaneous quenches. Firstly, single phase-to-ground fault tests were carried out. The SFCL successfully developed the impedance in the circuit within 0.12 msec after fault and controlled the fault current of 10 $kA_{rms} below 816 A_{peak}$ at the first half cycle. In addition, in case of phase-to-phase fault and three- phase fault test. simultaneous quenches among the SFCLs of the phases successfully accomplished. In conclusion. the SFCL showed excellent performance of current limitation upon fault and stable operation regardless of the amplitude of fault currents.
SFCL; fault current; YBCO thin film; simultaneous quench;
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