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Analysis of Elementary Students Modeling Using the Globe on the Cause of Seasonal Change  

Suk, Yun Su (Wonju Chiak Elementary School)
Yoon, Hye-Gyoung (Chuncheon National University of Education)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.41, no.4, 2022 , pp. 673-689 More about this Journal
To understand seasonal changes it is necessary to understand the relationship between celestial bodies in a three-dimensional space, and to this end, modeling activities in which students directly construct, use, evaluate, and modify three-dimensional models are important. In this study, the process of elementary school students using globes and light bulbs to model Earth's motion in a three-dimensional space as a cause of seasonal changes was analyzed. Seventeen sixth graders participated in the modeling process. After exploring phenomena and concepts related to seasonal change, students constructed models using globes and bulbs and used them to explain seasonal changes. Video data recording students' modeling process, students' activity sheets, and transcripts of post-interview were used as research data, and data triangulation was conducted. The modeling level analysis framework was also developed based on previous studies. In particular, the framework was developed in detail in this study in consideration of the concept of Earth's motion as well as understanding model and implementing modeling. In the final analysis framework, the 3D modeling level was classified from level 1 to level 3, and student performance that may appear at each level was specified. As a result of the study, there were two main levels of modeling using globes for elementary school students to explain seasonal changes. The rotation and tilt of the axis of rotation and revolution of the earth were considered but the level at which empirical evidence was not used (level 2), the level at which empirical evidence was used to explain seasonal chages (level 3). However, even when students use empirical evidence, it did not lead to the construction of a scientific model. In this study, the cause was explored in relation to the characteristics of the tool used for modeling.
seasonal change; Earth's motion; 3D modeling; globe model; modeling level;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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