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Survey on Teachers' Perception and Operational State for Elementary Science Online Remote Classes  

Kim, Hye-Ran (Seojae Elementary School)
Choi, Sun-Young (Gyeongin National University of Education)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.39, no.4, 2020 , pp. 522-532 More about this Journal
The aims of this study were to do a survey on teachers' perception and operational state for elementary science online remote classes and suggest ways to improve the elementary science online remote classes. The survey was based on responses from 100 teachers who have taught elementary science online remote classes for the first semester of 2020 for COVID-19. The questionnaire used in this study consisted of four parts: general informations of participants, the operation status of elementary science online remote classes, teachers' perceptions on the operation of elementary science online remote classes, ways to improve elementary science online remote classes. As a result of this study, elementary teachers taught elementary science online remote classes on the main use of content utilization type. And they had a difficulty in conducting elementary science online remote classes because of lack of contents, absence of elementary science online remote classes teaching methods, learner management and heavy workload. Therefore, to improve elementary science online remote classes the Ministry of Education and regional offices of education have to develop and provide high-quality contents reflect the characteristics of elementary science subjects, introduce a rent-an-experiment equipment system, and build a science class platform providing frequent real-time interaction between teacher and student.
elementary science online remote class; non-face-to-face science class; COVID-19; teacher's perception;
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  • Reference
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