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The Development and Application Effects of STEAM Program Utilizing Animation Production about 'Structure and Function of the Our Body'  

Lee, Sang-Ho (Ara Elementary School)
Hong, Seung-Ho (Jeju National University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.38, no.2, 2019 , pp. 263-274 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of STEAM program on students' academic achievement, creative problem-solving ability, scientific inquiry ability and scientific interests of elementary school students. For this, we developed a STEAM program to utilize animation production about 'structure and function of the our body' unit in 5th grade. The STEAM program was developed for a total of 9 sessions and was applied to the experimental group. The theoretical lesson of the 2009 revised curriculum was consisted of 11 sessions and was applied to the comparative group. The results of study showed significant differences of the students' academic achievement, creative problem-solving ability to the experimental group participating in the STEAM program and also showed significant effects in the domains of subject contents and teacher preference, which are the areas of scientific interests compared to the comparative group. This means that the STEAM program to utilize animation production about 'structure and function of the our body' developed in consideration of the characteristics of elementary students positively influenced the academic achievement, creative problem-solving ability and scientific interests of elementary school students. In the future we need to develop STEAM programs more variously that utilize animation production and that it needs to be applied to elementary schools.
animation; structure and function of the our body; STEAM; academic achievement; creative problem-solving ability; scientific interests;
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  • Reference
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