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Relationships among the Science Learning Motivation and Academic Stress and Stress Coping Styles of the Elementary Students with Low Science Achievement  

Kim, Kyungok (Jangchung Elementary School)
Hong, Young-Sik (Seoul National University of Education)
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Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.34, no.4, 2015 , pp. 447-457 More about this Journal
This study has attempted to find the teaching methods for the elementary students with low science achievement by examining the differences of science learning motivation, academic stress and stress coping styles and the characteristics shown in the relationship between them. To achieve this, the differences of science learning motivation, academic stress and stress coping styles of the elementary students with low science achievement and their relationship was set up as a study problem. A science learning motivation using a science learning motivation questionnaire reconfigured with PALS along with underachievers diagnosis were measured targeting 660 elementary students located in Seoul. Using an academic stress questionnaire and stress coping style questionnaire, an academic stress and stress coping styles were measured. The results of analyzing the collected data are as follows. First, a science learning motivation of elementary students with low science achievement was lower than the general students but the academic stress was shown higher. Especially, the self-efficacy of science learning motivation was significantly lower and the school stress was highest. For stress coping styles, a tendency of passive and avoidment coping styles were shown higher than the general students. Second, among the science learning motivation of elementary students with low science achievement, the self-efficacy motivation and school stress have shown a negative correlation but had a positive correlation with the goal-oriented motivation centered on ability. In the correlation between the science learning motivation of elementary students with low science achievement and the stress coping styles, the pursuit of social support coping styles have shown a significant positive correlation with the science learning motivation and its subcategories. As a result of conducting a regression analysis on the influence of academic stress and stress copying styles on the science learning motivation of elementary students with low science achievement, among the academic stresses, the school stress was shown to have the biggest influence. Among the stress coping styles, the pursuit of social support coping styles had the biggest influence on the science learning motivation followed by active coping behaviors, passive and avoidment coping behaviors. Low science learning motivation as underachievement factors of elementary students with low science achievement was identified as having a relationship with high school stress and undesirable stress copying styles. Therefore, guidance and a program are required for the elementary student with low science achievement to have desirable stress coping methods on the stressful situations. In addition, for the improvement of science learning motivation, a learning environment is needed for the elementary students with low science achievement with seeking of relevant educational methods.
academic stress; science achievement; science learning motivation; stress coping styles;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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