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How does the Social Connectivity of Social Media Build a Fandom Community? An Exploratory Study on the BTS Fandom  

Lie, Jae-Won (이화여자대학교 커뮤니케이션.미디어연구소)
Publication Information
This study explored the mechanism by which stars and fans build a global fandom community based on social connectivity of social media based on BTS' official Twitter and in-depth interviews with Chinese, American, and Korean fans. Stars and fans use the connectivity of social media to build a pseudo-private relationship that crosses public and private affairs. Even though they won the award, BTS "congratulates" the fan club, ARMY, and organizes a dialogue method so that each fan becomes the subject. From a fan's point of view, it comes to be seen as a personal message to them, which is not just applied to the text composition method. On days when there is no public message such as official activities or anniversaries, a device to communicate without missing a day has been prepared by raising private messages or previous memories. It was found that the sense of constant connection strengthens fans' sense of community toward each other.
Social Media; Fandom Community; Global Fandom; Connectivity; BTS;
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  • Reference
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