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A Study on the Experience of Conflict Management Situation Learning Through Mock Court for Civil Servants  

Han, Sang-Mi ((재)수원시정연구원)
Park, Se-Hwan (PNC경영원)
Publication Information
Training, unlike education in holistic perspective, not only affects individual's potential of work competencies such as knowledge and technology, but also affects the job performance in organizational perspective. The effectiveness of training for civil servants who participated in mock jury trial learning of Suwon-si was verified using CIPP model. Participants valued the significance of the process of training rather than the conclusion that draws a certain solution, and based on the comparison and analysis of pre·post evaluations, the educational effect of mock trial training and its utilization at work in the future was higher than before the training, proving its effectiveness. In terms of the implications of training programs in addition to the program planner's evaluation, participant constitution in consideration of sex or employment period is needed for learning interaction among various learners, and information acquisition training on various local issues and conflict situations, as well as the combination of deliberation learning, are needed. in addition, it may be supplemented through customized conflict management raining related to pending projects for the effectiveness of training.
Training Evaluation; Conflict Management Competency Reinforcement; Situated Learning; Social Interaction;
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  • Reference
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