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Content Analysis on the Characteristics of News-related Videos and Users' Reactions in the Local Broadcasting YouTube News Channels  

Joo, Eunsin (BNU-HKBU United International College 홍보광고학과)
Publication Information
This study aims to examine the characteristics of news content and users' reactions in local broadcasting Youtube news' channel, and explore how the local media should response in the new online video environment. YouTube Open API sampled 3,950 news-related videos uploaded over a month on 31 YouTube news channels nationwide. The content analysis was performed on the basis of the analysis of individual videos, such as characteristics of each content and users' reactions. As a result, a few news channels have produced digital-only content, but the ratio has been very low, most were broadcast replay videos with titles and formats uploaded as they were. In some cases, it still operates as a comprehensive channel, which failed to show its expertise as an independent digital news platform. This shows that theses YouTube channels lacks differentiation from TV or its own web page, and is still skewed to the auxiliary role or online archive function of TV platform. Nevertheless, digital-only content, which can be a national issue based on regional expertise, has led to a higher number of views and users reactions, suggesting that is a realistic and effective strategy with expandability in online space in the future.
YouTube News; Digital-Only Video Content; Local Broadcasting Media; Users' Reactions;
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  • Reference
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