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The Relationship between Goal Orientation and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Self-esteem and the Moderating Effect of Ethical Leadership  

Park, Jae Chun (단국대학교 상경대학 경영학부)
Bok, Kyoung Soo (고용노동연수원)
Publication Information
This study examines the effect of goal orientation (GO) on employee' self-esteem and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Also, this paper investigates the mediating effect of employee' self-esteem and the moderating effect of leader's ethical leadership. The results of this study targeted 1,656 employees working at company and public institution were as follows: First, we found that learning goal orientation (LGO) and performance prove goal orientation (PPGO) had a positive impact on employee' self-esteem. But performance avoid goal orientation (PAGO) was not directly related to self-esteem. Second, LGO and PPGO had a positive effect on employee' OCB. But PAGO was not related to OCB. Third, the mediating role of self-esteem in the relationship between GO variables (LGO, PPGO) and OCB was statistically significant. Finally, the interaction term of employee' GO (LGO, PPGO) and leader's ethical leadership was not related to OCB, whereas the positive link between PAGO and OCB was stronger when leader's ethical leadership was high. In particular, this study presented with implications for future research, limitations of this study.
Goal Orientation; Self-esteem; Ethical Leadership; Organizational Citizenship Behavior;
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